Lisa Linton

Our Fees (effective Monday 3rd of May 2021):

1 Hour Session – €65 (e.g. 12:30pm – 1:30pm)
1 Hour up to 1 Hour 15 Minutes – €75
1 Hour 15 Minutes up to 1 Hour 30 Minutes – €85
An increase of €5 has been applied for PPE costs.

Due to Covid protocols, we ask all clients / patients to respect the therapists’ time by leaving the treatment room promptly, on time and without delay after their treatment.

We need this time to fully disinfect the room (as per strict HSE / HSA instruction).

Please do not put your therapist under pressure timewise. We need to be on time for our next client / patient.

As much as we love our job, our working day has significantly lengthened. As such, we ask you to stick to your time slot to keep everyone safe and allow your therapist to finish work on time.

If you require a longer treatment, this will have to be booked in advance with Lisa.

Regardless of whether you and/or your therapist have been vaccinated, my clinic rule is simple and non-negotiable:

No Mask = No Treatment

Arrival Information

  • Please wait outside or in your car until I call/beckon you to come in.
  • I will meet you at the door.
  • Therapist will open and close all doors on entry and exit of the clinic to reduce common touch areas. This is for therapist safety.
  • If you have an unexplained fever, I will postpone your treatment.
  • I will check if you have developed any symptoms of illness since I spoke to you on the phone.
  • I will check to ensure that you have brought your own fresh, clean facemask. Until we are fully through this pandemic, our rule is simple: No mask = No Treatment

You are welcome to wear or bring with you fresh, clean gloves, if you wish.

  • I will ask you to sanitize your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer on arrival.
  • I will bring you directly to the clinic room to complete any forms and begin treatment.

No Mask = No Treatment

Remember: If you have any reason to believe you are not in good health, please contact us to postpone your treatment.